- To get profitable and raise enough money to allow us to finance all our development dreams.
- To get all our new Developer Teams up to date with the Ryzom Code - which I can assure you is no little task as the code of Ryzom includes millions of lines.
- Meanwhile, with the help of our new CTO Vianney Lecroart, we are preparing a yearly dev plan of tasks, milestones, and goals that we would like to achieve, prioritize and define; in short, all the things that will make our game even better like completing bug fixes, implementing new missions, creating new content and new game features that we think you will love and deserve to have.
So as you can see we have quite a lot of work ahead of us, as we now have behind us; lots more thinking and preparation in the pipeline before we can answer for definite all of your questions. Don't think that because we didn't communicate very much these past months that we were doing nothing; don't forget that we've only had the game data for less than three months and look at what we've done so far, it is already something to be very proud of :
- We have redone our website entirely.
- We have reopened all three shards for free to everyone less than one month ago.
- Last week we opened our new Nel MMORPG 3D engine open source website: http://dev.ryzom.com where, if you are a coder and want to help us, you can join our new open source community.
- We have been recruiting and forming new developer.
- We have reactivated our customer support.
- We have created a new marketing teams, all this at the same time!
And by the way : HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYZOM! That's right, today is Ryzom's Birthday !