moyaku wrote:Actually I think I do understand critical thinking, I never said underlining negative aspects was a bad thing either. Although I do believe being negative right away after 4 days is a little early, you sound like everything is gonna be the same again when we (as you said yourself) don't even know who is the new owner and what are their aims for the game's future.
I don't see the problem in questioning, suggesting and asking for some information early on. Or at least getting the community discussing in what one would hope is an objective manner. I mean this is business, its been dead two times already following one and I shudder to call it this business model. All I'm asking for is a statement "yes we are going to try things differently this time" or more community suggestions on how to keep the game alive this time. I think the time for go on I'l give the game one more blind chance is pretty much long dead.
I used to be online all day for years and when you do a /who and see only like 10 people in yrk at peak time, then find bugger all more people when you tp around thats what I call a ghost server. Half the guilds died, the others lost 70%+ of their members etc...
As for the "ghost server" aspect, I m afraid it's a feeling I never yet experienced.
If "content" also means event well it's only up to the community to create some, it has been done many times before and was most of the time a success.
Community events help but they where few and far between but nice, by content I mean something to break the grind up something new, something fun well I just mean content but basicly good content one would hope. Ryzom has so much potential to see it go months and months without updates or anything of value was depressing to me, and look at now how long has it taken for someone to be able to take control and restart ryzom again...
Maybe not the same sneak feeling, as for making friends I can be good at it trust me. I simply meant the community was small and stale nearly everyone knew everyone etc no new blood, no feeling of vastness out there.
I think it's obvious that players such as you and me will never ever get the feelings we had first time we entered PR or crossed HH simply because we already know every square centimeters of it (and starting from level 1 won't change that if you are a sneaker), but still this never deprived me to enjoy the memories of it when wandering around.
Then making friends is still pretty easy people are open minded enough to give you a chance.
As for the childish Kami/Kara fight, well I just decided not to take part in it and just play with my friends regardless of their IG religion (yes yes this is possible)
You want the ring tweaked ? then I think Faa opened a thread about changes...
As for kami/kara I was a very old school dragonblade it didn't get more neutral than that.... What I meant by childish fight was the incessant forum ***** by children with hyped up e-peens and insecure adults who should of known better constantly accusing each other of what they where all guilty of
As for the ring good to see it being dsicussed, I hope it will happen when it first came out it was just pants especially after all that hype[/quote]
Mostly money talk... still if they do not spend it here they ll spend it somewhere else ; maybe they ll get only a few months of pleasure but the quality of it will be the same as what we experienced when you and I started playing, mostly if the community keeps the positive spirit up (only my opinion here)[/quote]
Well it makes the world go around, it pays for servers, staff, udpates, content. My point is I would dearly like to see it spent here and good intentions, blind hope and crossing our fingers just won't cut it. We should take a stand, let feelings be known, discuss the best ways to make it so, start up, fan websites, groups, pro active community plans to raise awareness of ryzom. Things like that. That and these forums to be archived read only and new ones opened so no one has the post count chip on their shoulder. New players always hate that.
I'd love to but I'm visiting family who only have a pc that runs at 70% cpu usage when running firefox so I doubt I could get ryzom running
wait and seein the meanwhile come and have firewine at thesos bar so we can finish this conversation