Understood. Just picked a number out of the air and used it. I agree 50k was a bit high a number, but was trying to make a point, as you did by saying the number gained, if bigger than the number lost, would not be much bigger.sidusar wrote: Your devil's advocate hinges on an "if" that is far from certain. If introducing flying space elephants as a new playable race would attract 50,000 new subs, if I were running things, I'd do that too. The reason we argue against it is because we don't believe it will. We could be wrong ofcourse, you can never be sure until you try, but then it's too late to change your choice.
Great posts Ffi, Sasi and Misa. It took me almost 2 years to get close to a master since my play style is so varied. Sometimes I ele, or affy, or heal, or dig/craft...sometimes just chat for an hour or two. Wiping the levels is no big deal to me. Wiping the "person" is. And yes, it seems a little silly to be so attached to a game character, but as others have stated (more eloquently than me), the character has become part of us and we have become part of the character. Hopefully all this debate over "wipe or no wipe" is just a mental excercise, and we will be shuffling through the sands of Dyron or slogging through the jungle of Zora soon, as oursleves and not a diluted copy.