I have some theories about GF buying the game and allowing it to die, perhaps in order to shake off everything they _dont_ want (EG maybe they didnt want to keep Nevrax staff/devs when they can get their own employees working on it, but couldnt just fire the lot so let the sub-company die so they can buy the software only... having recieved nearly a years worth of training on how it works)...
But frankly GF never seemed to have a clue what they were doing, their web games are supposed to have 6 million players, but not a jot of advertising posted there that wouldnt cost them a penny? DUH!
I am sorry that you, my fellow (former) players lost out, and wish you all the best in finding a new game where you can enjoy your chosen playstyle (maybe even Ryzom mk 2 bought by the next liquidators). I hope the company is communicative and responds to customer queries, posting official statements instead of handing the job to volunteers etc etc.
The Samsara are doing well, happy and active on Laurelin server, Lord of the Rings Online (Euro version). A few friends have joined us from other guilds (or "kinships" as we refer to them now...). I hope to see more of you join us if Ryzom does finally meet its end.
Look me up.
Zahamir, level 50 captain, Vanquisher of Thaurlach and Grandmaster Woodworker, Officer of the Samsara
Formerly Zahan, High Officer of the Samsara
Goodbye Gameforge
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