I don't think it's normal, i have only one account (but used 2 in an old MMo i played) and maybe with a better PC i could use another account here. But you cannot change or judge the life of other players. If they can manage more PC they can do because they pay to play. As said, it happens in every MMO.audrimas wrote:We both know what second account char doing:
If you think is normal then i am sorry. When game becomes a job managing two three PC at same time it is not normal. I have a second account myself, purely for cp. I never lvled or pvped with both accounts at same time. And i got a second account only because i can run them both on single PC. I see my second char as cp bot/slave, call it as you want.
p.s. really sorry for this offtopic Gillest.
But my topic was about 'bots':
I just pointed out the wrong use of the term 'bot'.
I apologize too for the OT.