A university on Atys

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A university on Atys

Post by karmelit »

I got this idea as Atys is a place where one can meet and talk about things that one might find interesting. It doesn't matter where one live, or what one does for a living
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by karmelit »

Would you like a university of sorts? Who knows what knowledge can be learned in a environment where people from a walks of life may meet.

Any wisdom that can be relayed through speach should work well here.
Do you got an interesting topic that none of your real life friends share? Why not find someone with similar interests here?

My suggestion is to make meetings where a topic is discussed. And perhaps some will join who doesn't know a lot about it, but who are eager to learn.

A sidenote: I am not sure that the general forum is the right place to make announcements on a particular topic and it's gathering. But to get this started, I had to post this thread here ;)
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by karmelit »

I just realised this thread might be in line with some of the thoughts Cohen had about the Saga of Ryzom and the future on how MMORPG's might be used

http://www.ryzom.com/news/archive/2005/ ... of-mmorpgs
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by acridiel »

Karm, thats a great Idea :)

How about a Ring Scenario for those interested, to meet sayonce every two weeks or somesuch.
So even people from different Servers, like me :D , could attend much easier then by creating an alt on Arispotle.

I´ve I get my new webspace, hopefully soon, I´d be willing to put up a seperate board for this :)

And btw. don´t forget all those great things in the chonicles.

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Re: A university on Atys

Post by cloudy97 »

I'm sure Yrkanis Natural Museum is still around somewhere too. Every great University needs a museum (and a library).

(I always forget about the Chronicles! Would love to have it as a RSS feed)
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by karmelit »

Acridel, a ring scenario could be done for sure. Alas, I would have to ask someone else to do that as I never tried to create one.

There is also the question of what topics one would choose. I could for instance imagine a language class - say to learn english, german or french.
With so many native speakers, that could work well.

Personally, I would be willing to teach/discuss things like religion, psychology, languages, philosophy or even computer hardware etc.

These are just basic ideas at the moment. It will depend on the interests in this community. To get this on the road, we will need a few who would like to see this happen, and who would be willing participate.

I am aware that this will probably be more of an interest to long time players, whom have got the time to relax from the chores of developing their character.

(I know of the chronicles of course, but I didn't intend this as Ryzom related, if that was your understanding?)

So I invite those interested to start thinking of things they would like to see. And if someone puts up a scenario where we might meet across the servers, I am all for it. I do hope we might do something on Arispostle; not to keep others out, but for the reason it is always accessible.
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by kuroari »

*Tackles Karm*

I agree 100% i would love to do this! a biweekly scenario would rock, and i could -try- to set up one only i know i'd fail miserably :) if anyone else would like to give at a go though..

this would be tons of fun - great way to teach all them young'uns about what Atys is REALLY about - its not all Outposts, cats, and PvP yknow.. erm, at least its not Supposed to be.. *coughs at DEV(S?)*

ooh *EDIT* and what karm said in the post just above mine.. that could make things _really_ interesting... *blinks* when do we start?

*wonders if he should dye his hair white and wear glasses for the lectures* :P

**Double Edit** if any of you need my email, just PM me and we can get together to discuss (i've gmail and msn both)

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Re: A university on Atys

Post by karmelit »

kuroari wrote:*Tackles Karm* :D

... great way to teach all them young'uns about what Atys is REALLY about - its not all Outposts, cats, and PvP yknow..
Perhaps we could do a political forum hehe? Discussing the politics on Atys could even teach us something about politics in general if we do it right
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by karmelit »


I got spare time enough so we could meet up any day now and start discussing the guidelines. All we need is to set a time that is acceptable, and go from there. By guidelines, I am mostly thinking of setting up a timetable, and perhaps even what topic(s) we would start with.

Having agreed on when to conduct the first meeting, it should be announced here to give those interested a chance to participate
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Re: A university on Atys

Post by great83 »

karmelit wrote:Perhaps we could do a political forum hehe? Discussing the politics on Atys could even teach us something about politics in general if we do it right
Depending on the topic(s) i might be intrested in such an idea. But i think Atys politics wouldnt work to well if it went into depth at all.
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