Intercontinental travel suggestion

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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by gsmsega »

babaloui wrote:But then why should people be allowed to teleport back and forth once they have made it one time. They should have to travel it all the time. The trip can take quite a while. This presents a problem. If I cant dedicate all day due to RL then I am at what might be a crippling disadvantage. Now in a game with a rapidly decreasing population why in the world would you want to make that dang trip again if you can port back and forth? Now because a few have made it and many have quit, it makes getting a group that much more difficult. After all harvesters need to get mats which takes forever (even longer if you are a Tryker). So if you want to make it consistant and make everyone have to travel everytime then least there will be groups leaving periodically. As it is now have fun trying to find someone in Tryker who can make anything above ql50 and if you are that lucky they wont have the mats to do it. So I should be allowed to port to other capitals at extreme cost if a reasonable population isnt available (last week I had a large # of people in my guild, this week there is 5, they didnt leave the guild-they left the game. These were all high level beta veterans).

I am not saying take away the teleport system, if you cross it once you should be "rewarded" with be-able to teleport. The way the teleportation system is now is perfectly fine, (cept some of the teleports are down, bug or you need certain fame to use I am not sure at this momment. Haven't looked into it nor does it really bother me).
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by larsa »

josephm wrote:... Larsa, if you think that we shouldn't have teleportation, then I hope you don't want region chat, guild chat, Tell chat, or even team chat (if I'm between you and your team mate who is 100m off I sure as heck should be able to hear what you're shouting at him). Chats are the same deal, you're basically teleporting your thoughts in a region wide broadcast. Imagine if they got rid of THAT....see where it would lead? ...
Joseph, the arguments back then about the teleportation wasn't mainly on roleplay and realism but about a somewhat more "interesting" gameplay if I remember right.

For example just imagine a setup where a race has, say, plenty of choice or excellent clothes materials in their land but no stuffing or lining or blade materials better than basic or fine. Another race might not have excellent clothes materials then but their hunters and harvesters can find excellent grade materials other races are missing. Now, this alone would create interesting gameplay because it would force the races to trade and establish trade routes.

The outposts would have been in the same context, guilds would be responsible for outposts to secure these trade routes, i.e. hunt the predators in their region and protect the trade caravans and escort them into the prime roots and further into the border regions. Without teleportation (and respawn points around the next corner) this securing and protecting of trade routes would have been a continuous activity in Ryzom and I believe it would have made long-term gameplay more interesting.

Now, this sort of gameplay makes no sense of course with the freely available teleportation. Imagine an outpost halfway between town A and B. Without teleportation that outpost would make sense, with teleportation the outpost serves no purpose because I can just warp from town A to town B anyway. ;)
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by raynes »

Raynes has rather selective reading, and obviously an agenda to attack any other Zorai guilds than his own. In event threads, in region chat, or even if it is following people to kill-steal at spawn sites.
Excuse me??? I hardly kill stealed. I was waiting right next to that spawn. Your arguement is that I couldn't of been right next to the spawn because you had you radar set on 150m and didn't see me. Explain to me how I was following you, yet wasn't on your 150m radar? Better yet, explain to me how I managed to run 150m in under 10 seconds to get from off of your radar to on it, in order to kill steal from you. The truth is I was waiting on the hill right next to the Birds of Omen. I had been there for sometime becuase I had a mission to kill 4 sets of them. That was my forth set.

Now as I told you in game if you think I did something unfair such as kill stealing, then instead of comming here and crying about it. Or instead of jumping on region chat and attempting to make me look bad, report it to a GM and let them deal with me. But of course you can't do that because you know as well as I do, that you really don't have anything to report me on. So let me say this to you one last time. If you have a problem with me, you think I am playing unfairly, you think I am doing something wrong, then report me to a GM. End of Story.

Now on to your view of Zorai History.

1) I already explained that the manual says that the other races fear the Zorais. But of course you choose to ignore that little piece of information because it doesn't fit in with what you are doing in game.
2) You claim that there are mixed Zorai guilds based upon the factions you are awarded. I will admit that there is one group that I know of that does indeed give Matis fame when you do missions. That group is the Icon Worshippers. The only problem is that it not only gives Matis fame, it also gives Kami fame, and it gives Icon fame. How exactly does it make any sense that a group that is Zorai, holds the Kami at the highest esteem, ends up giving fame to a group that does not like the Kami. The answer? It's a bug. The Icon missions should be giving Zorai fame, not Matis fame.

Lastly I really don't care what you or your guild think of me and my reasoning for not wanting easy teleportation. The fact is that it does not fit into the story behind the Zorai. It does not fit into what each race believes and all that your request amounts to is asking for something to be added to the game because you want easy travel.

At this point I'm done with this arguement. I've stated my case. You have stated yours. I can only hope that the devs don't give into things players want when they don't jive with the story. That is what happened with Earth and Beyond and that is what caused it to die.
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by neiana »

raynes wrote: Now on to your view of Zorai History.
Or should we say.. now on to yours?

The truth is, if you want to be hand fed your story, then so be it. However, I honestly think you are a little off base.
Official Site wrote:Aspirations
The Zoraïs not only seek to restore the magnificence of their former dynasty but are keen to promote spiritual awareness throughout the newfound lands.
Maybe not buddy buddy as you say, but most definately not isolationists anymore. They WANT to "preach" to the other races!!

Also, if the official website wasn't broken, I could show you more places, such as when the walls were brought down - and how the Zorai people wanted to leave their isolation behind.

And Svayvti I think last night proved once and for all that you don't need an uber guild to make it. In fact, when the whole uber guild was going on, nobody got anywhere! When it was just down to two Zorai, they made it all the way through Bounty Beaches alone... several times in fact. All they needed was someone on the other side of the corner to let them know the spawn was clear.

I think "no teleports" would be an okay idea IF and only IF it wasn't put in the Karavan/Kami ideology a little over a year ago. For those that actually pay/paid attention, it was a topic of conversation overshadowed by "death penalty" topics brought about by the same two paragraphs.

As for running to Zorai and not being able to return without doing the whole run again, guess what? After a few times of making it sucessfully, getting in and out of Trykerland is easy! It just requires knowing the lay of the land and the spawns.

It DOES fit to have NO teleports, and the TRULY adventurous should be the ones to make it in and out of a racial land. That's my opinion - one of the adventurous type. I'm not in an uber guild, and most of my in and outs are mostly of the threading between aggro style.

This is something that was made clear over and over and over in dev chats and on all information given. IT WILL BE VERY DIFFICULT TO TRAVEL. I will go get some old dev chats if you want, this game was DESIGNED to isolate the races and force them to WORK to achieve something.

And if you have something against that, ask Tyrra how she felt about crossing into Trykers for the first time. I guarantee you it would NOT have been that exciting if you could just mosey on over there just whenever. I'm sorry if you don't like what I have to say - but I DO think each race should be EQUALLY difficult to get to, rather than it being this difficult for just the entry into one.

You can also ask Stormhaven, who helped the Matis into the Lakelands, then were left to fend for themselves on the run back to Matis. They may be pretty upset about the ordeal, but when they finally DO reach the other side it will be an accomplishment, something to relish! Not just: "Oh, I'm here cool where's the uber xp" of other games. Talk about future RP guild clash, can't wait 'til they go at it for an outpost - I'll bring popcorn!

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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by svayvti »

Icon Worshippers give Matis fame, take a look at the Matis in their village to.

Hamazans of the Dead Seed give Matis fame, take a look at their village.

Shadow Runners give Tryker fame, they're also all Kami loving Trykers.

Company of the Eternal Tree? Just them and Kami.

Tutors are the only ones which fit your perspective of reducing Matis/Fyros/Tryker fame. If you got out more you'd know this, but instead you try trolling event forums, bad mouthing people in region, and chasing down people to grief. Then you selectively ignore anything I or another point out that contradicts with your personal "roleplay" vision for everyon in Zorai lands to conform to? As pointed out frequently it doesn't mesh with the bulk of story for the Zorai.

so I see Botello is the same person who was spouting off when I made it into Fyros lands? You've obviously got some kind of issues with me, why don't you just spit it out rather than making random silly attacks at me all over?

Are either of you really going to try justifying all this drama because I dared propose a teleport system to another continent?

My experience there in Bounty Beaches was just the opposite Neiana. I saw the futility of trying to get a group of die-hard travelers to the other side without an organized, cohesive, and powerful force.

I'm not advocating that transportation be easy. I don't think millions of dappers and a bucketload of fame is necessarily that easy, but I do think it is a reasonable alternative for those people who don't have all day all week to spend for the lucky current of mobs that will enable them to get to the rest of the world. I just don't think it is a good idea for Nevrax to isolate and restrict people into such small areas.
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by pandorae »

A quick note on the issue of Saturday's transport -

I brought a small force of CP and one of our Tryker allies to help the migration on Saturday. We were able to secure safe passage through the roots for 2 teams plus another trip for one of ours. This required so much arm-waving from Svay, Sen, and myself that CP decided that trying to form that particular group into a cohesive force for the BB run was simply out of the question. No one seemed to be willing to work as a team! My guild works fluidly and we know how each other play ... for us to try and chance our way through BB with a large group that did not appear to appreciate the difficulties of the trip ahead of them was senseless.

We would be happy to help Svay's or Sen's groups any time we possibly can. All we ask is for a little more cohesiveness and travel discipline. I think the shortcomings on Saturday came from a large amount of player from different guilds and unaffiliated players trying to simply rush through the roots and BB. These problems will dissapear as groups start to work closer with each other in high threat areas! I have faith in Svayvti ... Pilgrims will be making all the major crossings in force relatively soon!
Last edited by pandorae on Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by aelvana »

I've made many many intercontinental trips with various guilds. Fighting through PR is entirely possible, it's been done many times (fyros --> zorai is the only one not too doable till we can fight entire patrols).

These trips DO take a couple hours, and are difficult enough that one person straying 5' from the group, or not moving IMMEDIATELY when asked, will cause everyone involved to have to restart and lose a lot of patience in the process. As the server as a whole becomes higher level, it won't matter and will be easier, but as it is now, people without raiding experience don't know how important it is to follow instructions and be ready to act fast the entire trip (the way we all learn this is by spending 10 hour playing sessions starting over 20 times, each because of a single person failing to listen).

This is all just commentary on things being talked about. This being a forum, I of course expect to get pulled into it again 8)
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by raynes »

"Icon Worshippers give Matis fame, take a look at the Matis in their village to."

I am in their village EVERY day, I talk with their hunter everyday. Which is another reason why you will find me at the Birds of Omen camp so often. There are no Matis in their camp. The Icon Worshippers are a Zorai only group. Their name speaks of the fact they praise the Kami (who is in their village). Please post a screenshot of the Matis in their village.
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by botello »

I'm really sorry that I came across the wrong way, Svayvti. I have nothing against you and I respect you and your guild. I'm just kind of ticked of that we had to take the time to fight through multiple lands to travel to the desert then a patch is introduced that has messed up spawn points just to have people go down to underspring and die to get to where we went.
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Re: Intercontinental travel suggestion

Post by neiana »

svayvti wrote: My experience there in Bounty Beaches was just the opposite Neiana. I saw the futility of trying to get a group of die-hard travelers to the other side without an organized, cohesive, and powerful force.

The question was about whether or not it can be done solo, not in a group like you were in originally. It took longer for me to get from the closest city on Tryker side to the BB portal, than it did for Tyrra and Sen to run through BB all the way (save 300m or so) the last couple times.

With a group, its not so simple. Either the spawn will move after half the group goes through, or people will wander. Going solo is easier than going in a group. Which is why you got 3/4 of the way by yourself, and why I got to the Zorai side of the Roots 15-20 times (and then promptly dying at the exit) before most of my party made it half way. Once the group dwindled and it was a 1 guide for 1 runner, everything went pretty smoothly.

At least, that's my two experiences with it.

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