Focus healing for Healers Please

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Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by ariaki »

Hi I play a mid level healer all I do is heal all I want to do is Heal is their any way we can get a a Focus Heal line of spells so we can be a tad bit more usfull in harvesting teams please.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by svayvti »

Be nice if they made foraging teams more useful period. All we've got is care plans, and even those no longer give exp for the person using them.

I'd really like to see more care plans and care plan exp. Perhaps a quantity assist care plan?

Team focus aura? Please help foraging to get back into the community of the game more again.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by tetra »

svayvti wrote:Be nice if they made foraging teams more useful period. All we've got is care plans, and even those no longer give exp for the person using them.

I'd really like to see more care plans and care plan exp. Perhaps a quantity assist care plan?

Team focus aura? Please help foraging to get back into the community of the game more again.
Care plans in general are rather stupid in their current form... brush away at the node and give it a tiny bit of stability or health while eating up time on your little timer bar, then go back to harvesting and kill the QL. Sure you can get a bit of extra quantity that way, but it's probably going to be very low in QL unless you had to heal the node early on for some reason and had enough time left to get back up in QL and harvest another full chunk of mat. Almost better off just sitting down and waiting.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by kisedd »

I agree, I"d like to see move love for harvesting groups. I understand there could be a lot of abuse of this, or already could have been, but to my mind, anything that encourages players to work together is a good thing.

1) Let care plans give exp again.

2) let healers get exp if they heal a harvester working on a source.

These things are needed. Otherwise people are just watching you dig in the dirt, when they could be out killling things or harvesting their own sources.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by syneris »

Healing is a combat skill used for battle. A focus heal would have nothing to do with combat or magic. If they added any kind of heal other focus it should go into harvesting. Care plans should give xp if you are grouped.

Tetra: Care plans are for groups. There are other skills that are there to reduce aggressiveness.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by yoni69 »

kisedd wrote: 2) let healers get exp if they heal a harvester working on a source.
This would be easily abused/exploited.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by ariaki »

humm would no differant then getting exp in hunting groups.

healers blinder etc are all ready using over night 3rd party programs to level while they sleep.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by yoni69 »

ariaki wrote:humm would no differant then getting exp in hunting groups.

healers blinder etc are all ready using over night 3rd party programs to level while they sleep.
Regardless of any possible 3rd party exploits, the scenario where harvester and healer go to a safe spot away from aggro, harvester makes the source explode, or even better, release gas, is wide open to abuse. I disagree that this is no different from getting xp in hunting groups. Ive yet to see a gas cloud spontaneously spawn and aggro someone.
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Re: Focus healing for Healers Please

Post by pcheez »

Well, healing a party hunting a 2k damage mob is a bit more dangerous as they are unpredictable and could charge at healer ,and we have instant painless death.
Healing a harvester is erm, well heh 'oops, the groud blew up need heal '
Trot over to the person heal, and go back to sitting a safe distance away from xplosions.
Am i supposed to write something witty here ?
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