odofitzg wrote:((...that all my comments in the channels be somehow decorated. That way lies madness when one is harvesting or fighting a mob.))
OOC, of course:
Roleplaying isn't fancy words or fancy emotes. Jeziellia has, on occasion said things like "Crap" when a kincher suddenly bears down on the healer line while the warriors are busy with a very large, very angry, very colorful Prime Roots KibanWhoShallNotBeNamed.
So don't let the phrase "high roleplay" or "roleplay heavy" intimidate you into thinking we're all flowery speech. Now, maybe if we found a Matis raised in a flower-speaking family... *eyes Enon...* Kidding.
Anyhow - browse the guilds. Some have IC information available (we do) and OOC information available (we do), and you can always always always ask questions.