Can't we have some consideration for us factioned players? Please??
We want kitin patrols back in Pr, it's just slow and dull without em ...
If they were to come back Neutrals would need to be able to buy tps in pr again.sluggo0 wrote:We get all those tasty PR teleports, with no kitin patrols
Can't we have some consideration for us factioned players? Please??
We want kitin patrols back in Pr, it's just slow and dull without em ...
Its not an "equal footing" now, so why should it be after? Its supposed to be hard for neutralsakicks wrote:If the tps came back though then everyone would be on the same footing as far as that was concerned.
Yes, it is supposed to be hard for neutrals, but not so hard that it becomes nearly impossible to do it. It is not fun to go up against impossible odds.sprite wrote:Its not an "equal footing" now, so why should it be after? Its supposed to be hard for neutralsIntroducing the KPs back would just make it extra hard/fun for the Factioned players, and the neutrals would have their job made harder/funner by exactly the same amount. Sounds fair to me
Everyone managed it at least once before the fame patch, and then again for the places without a working TP nearby. They didn't complain it was nearly impossible then (well I'm sure some of em did, but thats just people...)akicks wrote:Yes, it is supposed to be hard for neutrals, but not so hard that it becomes nearly impossible to do it.
They got them back in a time when tps were available to everyone. It was easy to arrange a group to help people get tps. It won't be easy to arrange a group just because you want to go digging.sprite wrote:Everyone managed it at least once before the fame patch, and then again for the places without a working TP nearby. They didn't complain it was nearly impossible then (well I'm sure some of em did, but thats just people...)