Cho migrations - demographics

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Cho migrations - demographics

Post by xeraphim »

Well I'm a little hesitant to start a new thread seeing as on the rare occasion I do, it invariably turns into an 18 page flame fest, despite my good intentions.
(am seriously considering posting a poll "yubos are cute? - agree / dissagree" Just to confirm my suspicion that it would probably turn into a napalm fueled hissy fight as well :p )
So *grits teeth* .. here we go.

I was wondering if anyone can give me some feedback on how many Karavan players have migrated to Cho.

I am starting to notice alot of Kami players, some very established High lvl players and many mid range players as well, making the decision to move to Cho in hope of a better life.

I havnt really heard of many Kara players moving over (but then im not kara)

What I am worried about is the possibility that many Kamists see this as an oportunity to escape imbalance and start afresh in a new land, where as most karavan (kara being on top atm) on Ari are quite happy where they are.

This could in essence compound an allready difficult situation, and ultimatley we could end up with a kami dominated Cho and a Kara dominated Ari.

Its possible that im way off the mark here.. just voicing my concerns and hoping to hear others views. (Maturely and without personal attacks , insults and general stupidity preferably)

*stands back from blue touch paper and hopes* :p
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by raven41 »

I'm worried about the same thing. I don't want to see a dominated shard in either way (Kami or Kara) as it would seriusly make OPs boring im afraid, And any other PvP that can include FvF :p and it worries me even more because I'm not leaving Arispotle :p I like it here, I come here all the time. lol... But really... I mean I'll just go back to fully-inactive and be bored before I switch servers and have to grind again :p

So I'll be the last Kami on the server and still wont leave :p Arispotle is my home. I will not flee from it for any reason other then RL :p
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by iphdrunk »

This was, in part, one of my concerns when Cho was announced. For the time being, I've heard (and been asked to) of a few players that moved to Cho and started anew, being some of them high levels -- and these players are already gaining some momentum there -- but I declined for several reasons. I don't know how they plan to split the time between Arispotle and Cho. It's their call and I'm glad they are re-discovering Atys again, something I am not currently willing to do.

Without going into the details about K/K, yes, there may be side-effects of Cho opening w.r.t. current faction status in Arispotle.
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by athkins »

I wonder.. are the players kami/kara in RL, for choosing to play the same thing on Cho they used to play on Arispotle?
This is about the question of Cho becoming a "Kami server"

I made a char on Cho to see what it looked like. I created a Tryker (Lakes are suposed to be more karavan than kami), but I didn't meet any karavan chars yet, the only people who spoke about choosing a faction said they would be kami :s
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by grimjim »

I've noticed the same thing.
Which makes me worry it'll make things worse on Arispotle again.
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by borg9 »

Cho will develope its own balance/inbalance, indepentantly.

Cho is very different from Arispole because everyone going to Cho knows the current game rule set and will be able to play according to those rules. (Until the next sweeping, unthought-out, extreme game mechanic change.)

The changes made to Ryzom, which players pre OP and EP2 will understand, effected the 'Characters' of Arispotle, for example waking up one day to find you have changed faction because of a patch.

Characters created on Cho understand that Atys is a war zone, Neutrals and Tryonist still will play apart but they also know that their options will be restricted.

Diggers/Crafters on Cho are not rebuilding Atys for a bright new future as we did on release in 2004, they are preparing for WAR!

Put simply - Cho is Ryzom2, its almost the product described on the box, its a completly different game.

Cho will catch up Arispotle in months, Ryzom has never been about levels, it has always been about knowledge. Just check various threads about World Travel and Crafting.

I predict that Cho will consist of a few Major guilds.
- The outpost will be heavily contested and change hands regularly.
- Inter-faction GvG fights over outposts will occur regularly.

Time will tell...
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by xolghost »

I'd even say that Cho serves as Nevrax' sociology test field...
To get an impression of what experienced players mixed with some new ones would make of a virgin world now -in terms of cooperation, factionalism and ultimately conflict- to get a hint on the way to further developments...
Sound absurd? Maybe, maybe not...
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by borg9 »

Arispotle hasn't 'Lost' any players, as such, People will just return to their mains for: Boss hunts, OP battles, Events, etc.

IG coms allow people be called back from their 'Alts on Cho' very easily and if most of the migrators were honest would one more master skill make much difference to their main character.

There is so little High-end content or Beef as DT would say, that a chance to go back and play the real content is all that is left for those who don't want to occupy their time elsewhere.
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by g00st »

makes no difference to meh as im not factioned and dont intend toooo.....
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Re: Cho migrations - demographics

Post by cloudy97 »

One question, are character transfers allowed? I've just noticed on my friends list that a friend is named Playername(Cho) now.
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