The route of the Exodus

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The route of the Exodus

Post by Tidings »


Han Kiou and Wilk Potskin, two members of the Atys Rangers, have recently returned from their mission to find suitable new territories for Hominkind to settle.

The results of this mission have now been evaluated and it is planned to equip and send out further expeditions, in order to secure and protect these new areas against attacks by the Kitin.

Together with the Lady of Loria, Ailan Mac'Kean, King Yrkanis, and the Grand Sage Mabreka Cho as well as representatives of the Atys Rangers, Emperor Dexton invites all Homins to a meeting where information will be provided about the way ahead. Don't miss this important milestone of our history and gather on Saturday 7th October at 9pm BST (8pm GMT 4pm EST) by the Cerakos Gate in Pyr.
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by clyne »

Don't miss this important milestone of our history and gather on Saturday 7th October at 9pm BST (8pm GMT 4pm EST) by the Cerakos Gate in Pyr.
Interesting, will be there for sure.

OOC: Looks like another sleepless night for me, just hope I don't get wrinkles & baggy eyes anytime soon ^.^'

Its 1:35 am for me.

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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by vguerin »

All homins should be interested in hearing about newly discovered lands, apparently our leaders see how important this is to the survival of homins. I look forward to hearing how these lands are devoid of kitin and can be protected from them. This knowledge may help us protect all of our lands from the kitin.
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by karmelit »

New territories eh? This sounds interesting :)
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by kiexa »

Aristople only event or is this happening on Cho too?
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by Tidings »

Arispotle initially, although players from Cho are welcome to join in later.
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by dlice »

absolute mayhem, didnt see much (was busy healing ..) but was fun.
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by Tidings »

Homins I bring you the words of our leaders:

Dexton: Greetings, Homins of Atys; this is a great day for us all. I would like to welcome here the leaders of the Homin Nations, King Yrkanis, Ailan Mac’Kean, the Lady of Loria and Grand Sage Mabreka Cho.

Dexton: It was a good while ago that Han Kiou and Wilk Potskin, those intrepid explorers and defenders of Hominkind, set out on an odyssey that will link the past and the future. They had one goal, to retrace the footsteps of the past, back, way back into the old lands and to open up these lands once more for Homins to colonise, thus reclaiming our heritage.

Han, would you care to say a few words?

Han: Indeed, Sire. We travelled for many months, and through much danger, but we rejoiced indeed when at last we came to the places that were once home, the Reawakened lands of Homin heritage and history.

On returning, we immediately contacted the leaders of the Homin Nations to share the good news and to suggest where Hominkind might go from here.

Yrkanis:Whereupon Emperor Dexton graciously agreed to host a summit meeting for us all to meet and to discuss this significant development, and to plan the future. The way forward through the past has been opened up for all as we have now established a much easier way to make the journey into the old lands, using the new terminals you will see in all the major cities.

Mabreka: Indeed, we all agreed to the positioning of these machines, the benefits that they bring are too valuable to ignore. Each and every Homin is needed to aid in clearing these old homelands of the foes that have taken them over, and to render them safe again for Homins to settle in peace. We are in absolute unity on this matter and to further the exploration and we deem that any political considerations are, for the moment, secondary.

We plan to mount a massive, united expedition, or even a series of them, to forge a base camp in these Reawakened lands from which we can mount future explorations. Perhaps the Lady of Loria would like to fill in the details?

Ailan: Thank you, Grand Sage. We have been in close consultation with the Rangers over this matter and we do indeed believe that the most effective way forward would be to attempt to build some form of protected camp as a bridgehead in the Reawakened lands. This would act as a focus for hominkind and a supply base for future expeditions into the hinterland. Together with this it would provide us with a place of refuge in the struggle that we will face against the Kitins of these lands.

The Rangers have agreed to work out the logistics and organisation of the force, now what we require is Homin Volunteers!

Will you all, can you all, give some of your time to make the dreams of homecoming a reality? It will be a hard struggle, through lands that have scarce seen a Homin footprint in our lifetimes, facing the old enemy (and maybe even some new ones) at every turn.

Think, though, of the benefits! A free land, a settling of ancient wrongs, and the cleansing of the Kitin taint from places where we can again settle to bring up families in peace and harmony. Let us work together on this and make Still Wyler’s vision of Hominity united a reality!

Homins come with us and see for yourselves of which we speak – the reawakened lands of our past wait – come with us now and see!
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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by clyne »


Yes it was a very nice event, and after forest the lakes and jungle I assume a new land will be patched to the game - or is it already patched? But if its just the scenarios - then some of us will be disappointed I am sure :(

Tidings, as a devoted Adventure Master myself (though have only unfinished scenarios ^.^') please test for bugs, flaws and keep official scenarios in top shape otherwise it looks unprofessional when it's actually running. Not complaining though, it was fun yesterday.

I noticed something rather peculiar though. The Skip and Next icons on dialogs of some NPCs there, I assume its part of the new promised dialogue system? :)

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Re: The route of the Exodus

Post by codwin »

OCC:Thats pretty awsome. I would have shown up if I had read about it earlier.
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