Hi - I'm sorry this is happening. The one thing to check VERY carefully is the country you select. If you type just a letter or two, it jumps to a country selection. I have heard many players complain that they picked the wrong country and had to start over again.Unregistered wrote:Hello, I've been trying to get the billing info(card number, expiration date and name) working. Every single time I do it, I'm refused. The number I type in is perfectly the same, in one line, the name I tried with and without special chars, with otehr MMORPGS I didn't type the Ö and the ó in the name and it worked fine. And everytime I do this my payment has been refused. Do I need to type in the three last letters(security code i think), and make it a 19 number line? Please help me, I just bought the game and I would like to play it.
If that doesn't fix the problem:
To sort out your billing problem as fast as possible, you should email our billing guys.
Email addresses for billing support follow. (na=North American, ee= European English, fr=French, de=German)