Im coming from SWG.
Used to play there since launch, but after they ruined it (nge) ive been more and more bored with the game. With only the community keeping me there.
Now, me and my guild (shadowguards) will be moving to this game.
At least some of us.
Where we will be starting up the guild in a little while.
I noticed alot of old pre-cu SWGers here. And the community seems similar to the old SWG community i fell in love with.
Nice to meet yall.
Heya, im new to this game.
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
Welcome to the living planet *huggles*
Kibs - High Officer of The New Empire (Arispotle server)
Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
Vote for Ryzom on!
Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
Vote for Ryzom on!
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
Welcome to Atys! I hope you find a new home here. 

High Officer of Aeden Artisans
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
omg he was already huggled...
On behalf of the Kami community I want to apologize for that lecherous karavaneer Kibs.
On behalf of the Kami community I want to apologize for that lecherous karavaneer Kibs.
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
haha swe999!!!!!
DOH, huggled to death.../hide
Yeah im hoping this will be a new home.
Ive already made a few friends, and my friend Omisri will be joining us soon.
He is freakin aaaaawesome. and he is a great laugh.
This game looks really promising. I just need to see more pvp
I am the pvp lover deluxe hehe.
I did duel a few people, 1vs1, and 1vs2. Which was great fun both of them.
And NO hate tells/exploit accuses at all when they died.
Which is extremely different from SWG nowadays.
The community reminds me of the old one, the one the apparantly moved over here lol.
DOH, huggled to death.../hide
Yeah im hoping this will be a new home.
Ive already made a few friends, and my friend Omisri will be joining us soon.
He is freakin aaaaawesome. and he is a great laugh.
This game looks really promising. I just need to see more pvp

I am the pvp lover deluxe hehe.
I did duel a few people, 1vs1, and 1vs2. Which was great fun both of them.
And NO hate tells/exploit accuses at all when they died.
Which is extremely different from SWG nowadays.
The community reminds me of the old one, the one the apparantly moved over here lol.
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
Hey Tigrus
welcome from a fellow Naritus player
see ya ingame
welcome from a fellow Naritus player
see ya ingame
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
Hiii, I´m not new to this Game

Welcome to Ayts.
Enjoy your stay.
Hiii, I´m not new to this Game

Welcome to Ayts.
Enjoy your stay.
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
At"Ryzom Movies"!![highlight]
238[/highlight] Videos, [highlight]181[/highlight] Fan-Artworks and [highlight] 3 [/highlight] original Songs are up allready.
[highlight]SoR Score Musics including Trailers!![/highlight]
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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
I too loved the pre-CU version of SWG. I played SWG for 2 years, on Naritus in fact, until the day NGE went live (CU I disliked but could stomach. NGE I just could not stomach.)
I too loved the pre-CU version of SWG. I played SWG for 2 years, on Naritus in fact, until the day NGE went live (CU I disliked but could stomach. NGE I just could not stomach.)
[Light Armsman] [Close Fighter]
[Defensive Magician]
[Desert Forager] [Forest Forager]
[Jeweler Apprentice]
[Light Armsman] [Close Fighter]
[Defensive Magician]
[Desert Forager] [Forest Forager]
[Jeweler Apprentice]
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
Yeah for once i felt the feeling, I DONT WANNA TURN THIS OFF YET feeling when i logged in...
And i love it.
And i love it.
Re: Heya, im new to this game.
Hey Tigrus, I spoke to you just before you left SWG on the forums! Dark_gundam is my frorum handle there. Man thanks for the pep talk on this game I've been playing for 3 or 4 days now and love it! BTW what's your IGN so we can talk I tried LittleTiger and got the message that name does not exist or player is not online. Any how my IGN is Znathara ship a tell and we can hang for a bit!
Last edited by zanthar on Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.