To all players
I wish to make a complete apology for my behaviour in game. I am most certainly a noob and a complete fool to boot.
I was trying to play in manner where I did least harm and now I see that in so doing I never learnt or understood the game at all and indeed caused the very harm that I wished to avoid.
I have unsubscribed and will never been seen on Atys again and I am sure that the game will be a better place for my departure.
I originally deleted my character because I was scared of the emotions that posting on the forums engendered: somehow I knew that deleting the character was the correct thing to do even if I could not know or feel the reason why.
I came back to play because I love the planet: it is truly a beautiful place. However that was one of the greater mistakes that I have made in my life, and I may never manage to make such a hash of things ever again
I was Guildless since Episode 2 since I in my ignorance and stupidity thought it was a good way for me to play. I see that I allowed myself to become a troll and showed myself to be what I really am.
Once again: my apologies to all.
A personal and public apology
Re: A personal and public apology
dont think i know you, so you cant be that bad
dont think i know you, so you cant be that bad
It's Prttey fnuny how we can raed tihs einrte snetnece wtih all tehse ltters all out of palce, and we can cnotniue to keep raednig and sitll mekas snece of waht we are raeding. No mttar how mnay tmies you raed tihs oevr and oevr you can sitll mkae snece of it.
How is taht pssoible?
It's Prttey fnuny how we can raed tihs einrte snetnece wtih all tehse ltters all out of palce, and we can cnotniue to keep raednig and sitll mekas snece of waht we are raeding. No mttar how mnay tmies you raed tihs oevr and oevr you can sitll mkae snece of it.
How is taht pssoible?
Re: A personal and public apology
I'm not sure what you did (or think you did) Nail, but I've never seen anything like that from you. On the forums you don't seem to have posted any trolls that I could see, and in game I don't think I've ever heard anything from you.
But, if you've really made that much of a mess of things, I guess it's time to move on, chalk this one up to bad experience and learn from the mistakes. Always sad to see a player leaving though..
But, if you've really made that much of a mess of things, I guess it's time to move on, chalk this one up to bad experience and learn from the mistakes. Always sad to see a player leaving though..
Ascension Guild Leader
Ascension Guild Leader
Re: A personal and public apology
I have seen you around ..But iv never had a problem .. So I cannot comment..
Sorry to see you feel you must leave GL on future games.
Sorry to see you feel you must leave GL on future games.
Lord of the universe
Truth - Honor - Integrity
~Atys Paladin at heart~ALWAYS!
Re: A personal and public apology
Dear Nail,
Although I don't deny your claims to being a noob and a fool (after all ... You are my friend eh
). But I'm sorry to hear that the game has gone bitter on you.
I'll be missing you a lot, and still keep the hope you might come back one day.
Take care.
PS : If you're a troll, that makes me a dwarf ...
Although I don't deny your claims to being a noob and a fool (after all ... You are my friend eh

I'll be missing you a lot, and still keep the hope you might come back one day.
Take care.
PS : If you're a troll, that makes me a dwarf ...

Illuminati member
Illuminati member
Re: A personal and public apology
You know, it's the people who feel bad about things and try to improve because of it that I'd rather see stay...
Re: A personal and public apology
I can't imagine what you are apologizing for Nail. I've got you down as a great guy in my book. We had some good times hunting and exploring long ago.
Now who will dig all those seeds for Kiliane?
I'm sorry to see you go. Take care.
Much love,

I'm sorry to see you go. Take care.
Much love,
High Officer of Aeden Artisans
Re: A personal and public apology
I should never quote the words of another person on the internet without their permission.
And OmegaV is the best guild ever
And OmegaV is the best guild ever
Re: A personal and public apology
Dear Nail,
We're all clueless here...Dunno what u do this time ..Or previous times ,but i can't imagine at all u have done something bad.I always had loads of fun having u around (and i speak for a whole guild )
I know u as an honest and joyfull person ,and being guilded or not ,we had loads of fun with u .We all hope u don't mean the fact u left and we look forward to hear from u again.(ingame or not)
Take care
We're all clueless here...Dunno what u do this time ..Or previous times ,but i can't imagine at all u have done something bad.I always had loads of fun having u around (and i speak for a whole guild )
I know u as an honest and joyfull person ,and being guilded or not ,we had loads of fun with u .We all hope u don't mean the fact u left and we look forward to hear from u again.(ingame or not)
Take care
Re: A personal and public apology
nialld wrote:To all players
Once again: my apologies to all.
Dear Nail,
we only hunted a couple of times together, some short time before Episode 2. I never before or since then had the impression that you are bad in any way, I only thought it sad, that you didn't found a new guild, or started your own one.
I will remember you as a nice guy, if you like it or not

May you future journey make you happier, than your last ones.
Trini - Darkmoor Rangers