Multiple Attack

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Multiple Attack

Post by cold1 »

ok someone just declare war on 3 op's at the same time/day and use a false guild (karavan haters).

To this Homin or Homins :

Why you fear to use you real name guild for do that?As far i know its only a game no? Maybe you feel bad?

Well now i'll use the same tactic but not with a false guild of course and each time i see someone do that in game i'll declare war on 6 random kami/neutral OP or more. I don't want to be rude but i can't accept this. If you want take an OP just declare war on it. You don't need to declare war on 3 at the same time and use a different guild name. That's kinda rude.

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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by ajsuk »

Well said, I personally think this is lame, and to be honest its prolly just as lame doing it back. However, I've reported these false declarations as abuse/time wasting to GMs (seeing as how 9 times outta 10 nobody shows up to most of them) repeatedly and just been told that they're aware of the problem and are discussing it. Until something is done about these troublemakers I wouldn't be too bothered about counter-declarations for the time being. >_>
Last edited by ajsuk on Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by raven41 »

Padawan wrote:each time i see someone do that in game i'll declare war on 6 random kami/neutral OP or more.
LOL ...Pad chill out my friend you cannot fix bad with more bad...that only leads to even more bad :P .so some people are stupid don't let them make you into just what they want...I know your not like that...

And incase of an attack on your OP I garrentee you I wont be there...
Mind you this is a limited warrentee and can be Voided if the need arises lol ..

Tho knowing you it wont. Just don't worry about the childish ppl man ..defend your OP from them but don't be like them
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by arfindel »

Well well well let's see who's attacking whom here :)

CoM challenged like 8-10 OPs kami and neutrals this morning for same hour, same day.

As some of these OPs have real low thr with good timing they have the real chance to win some of them.

This plan has a flaw. Their own OPs (CoM ones) have incidentally low thr. Therefore while CoM would be busy fighting here and there to win some OPs in Zora and the Desert of course their own OPs could be won in the same manner.

At the same time the 'misterious' so-called karavan haters (they write themselves with minuscule letters so why bother) - what a surprise, uh oh - challenge - what a conincidence! uh oh - the 3 OPs the CoM would not want jeopardised while they are away to fight over some of the 10 OPs they have challenged... at same hour, same day.

Now mr. padawan comes to complain to the community about these - isn't it - lame, bad, meanie karavan haters who appeared from nowhere and - ouch ouch - put in danger the karavan so cherished OPs.

Well, indeed he can be right to complain, no doubt he can be right as we have no means to find the truth about that misterious little (but rich!) guild that hates so much the kavaneers... if it were not for the logic, yes, mr. padawan would have been so right....
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by philu »

I seem to remember some pro-PvP players stating that if you own an OP you should expect to be attacked. You've done it yourself.

Then you complain when someone declares on you?! Since when is declaring on 3 OPs at once (if you can afford it) wrong? The only time it has been considered wrong is when using it to stop anyone attacking. That clearly isn't the intention here or you wouldn't be complaining.

Particularly since you declare your intention to do the same! Don't you see the hypocrisy in your complaint? Or is it one rule for you and one rule for them?

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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by sprite »

philu wrote:You people amaze me some times! And not in a good way.... :rolleyes:
You people amaze me in not recognising how pathetic and childish this all is. PF declare on AP, people fight on the forums, souls locks the thread, someone starts another, someone makes a fake guild to declare on 3 OPs. Geeze, I'm starting to believe people when they say the community is going to heck, and it ain't because of the people who normally get fingers pointed at them...
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by iphdrunk »

philu wrote:Then you complain when someone declares on you?! Since when is declaring on 3 OPs at once (if you can afford it) wrong? The only time it has been considered wrong is when using it to stop anyone attacking.

Imho, although it is not specifically forbidden or frowned upon, declaring a war on an Outpost and not being present during the phases can be seen by some as annoying, waste of time and griefing. It is still unclear if it is a valid tactic to create a diversion, or it there should be some "manners" to OP fights.

My thoughts? I know they aren't popular and there may be a lot of drawbacks, but... I really think that a very realistic approach would be real time OP attacking. Yes, I am aware of the issues, and I don't forget that we are players with RL obligations and limited play time... but well, our characters are supposedly living full time on Atys. I wonder how outposts would be it there was no pre-planned attack / defense phases. Real time attack with permanent guards and towers to destruct, with alarm systems and scrap not-so-immersive things as thresholds, phases, RL times, etc. much as a RTS. Yes, there would nightly attacks, not-so-mannered-attacks etc. that to some extent, fit in the "all is valid in love and war" idea and b) it could only mean more dynamics to OP ownership, and that, imho would be good: a guild that loses an OP due to the OP being "stolen" during Christmas just needs to regroup on January 4th to get it back... If they are on holidays they don't need the OP goodies anyway...

Aaand, several players know me and I don't consider myself a ganker or griefer, but something needs to be addressed with regard to outposts. I am not advocating a full blown PvP approach, but with current state of things, OP are stalled and with a limited number of guilds owning one, there is little room for other / new guilds to own one. I've already written extensively about, imho, current op problems, so I won't go there again.

Regardless of how generous current OP owners may be, just think of something. What would happen if (fictional setting) I go to Chrono-Alegra / Thara / DoubleTap / Snake / Sumsum-Fasi- / Kostika / Padawan / Ciridemarr / insert your op owner name here / and said "Hello, my friend homin, what a nice day on Atys, see, I am pretty much interested in owning an outpost, I'm curious about the interface, the fact of owning one, the drill possibilities, and I want to know what it is to manage an outpost. Since there are little options for that, would you mind handing it to me? yes, a simple transferral, I will keep it for.. just say.. a few months... no, no, I don't mean I'd like you to hand the crystals / mats over... I want to own put my banner on it... what do you mean 'yours'? ..oh, I see, your guild is large... so you plan to keep it... till when?"
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by scarazi »

sprite wrote:PF declare on AP, people fight on the forums, souls locks the thread, someone starts another, someone makes a fake guild to declare on 3 OPs.
but its not about "PF declaring on AP", its about an 18 guild alliance taking over the game, wiping out guilds in "a release the hounds" campain to "dominate" (quoted from pero). This is no longer a matter of skill, just numbers and greedy powerhungry exp crystal junkies.
sprite wrote:I'm starting to believe people when they say the community is going to heck, and it ain't because of the people who normally get fingers pointed at them...
Jeez you guys really been brainwashed on that forum of yours, when did people start leaving the game? what reason did they give? why doesn`t anyone tell you about the events we hold like the FvF war in Altemi woods last weekend? When did the community start going bad? :eek: could it be when the KA was formed?
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by philu »

sprite wrote:You people amaze me in not recognising how pathetic and childish this all is. PF declare on AP, people fight on the forums, souls locks the thread, someone starts another, someone makes a fake guild to declare on 3 OPs. Geeze, I'm starting to believe people when they say the community is going to heck, and it ain't because of the people who normally get fingers pointed at them...

I guess I'll have to disagree with you there Spriteh, most of the flaming I read on those 2 threads was done by pro-PvP players. Some of it done by people who I regularly see flaming and making personal attacks, yet nothing is done about it. You're right this community has gone to heck. I am sick of it all, particularly certain people not getting the 'rewards' they deserve for their abuse. I enjoy a reasoned discussion (like ones I've always had with you in the past - you already know what I think of your posts. ;) ), but I am sick of other people spoiling this forum. Bye bye general forum you make me sick. :(

iphdrunk wrote:Regardless of how generous current OP owners may be, just think of something. What would happen if (fictional setting) I go to Chrono-Alegra / Thara / DoubleTap / Snake / Sumsum-Fasi- / Kostika / Padawan / Ciridemarr / insert your op owner name here / and said "Hello, my friend homin, what a nice day on Atys, see, I am pretty much interested in owning an outpost, I'm curious about the interface, the fact of owning one, the drill possibilities, and I want to know what it is to manage an outpost. Since there are little options for that, would you mind handing it to me? yes, a simple transferral, I will keep it for.. just say.. a few months... no, no, I don't mean I'd like you to hand the crystals / mats over... I want to own put my banner on it... what do you mean 'yours'? ..oh, I see, your guild is large... so you plan to keep it... till when?"
Well in the case of my guild's OP, I would gladly give it to you but only if you agreed to share the mats/cats. :D
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katriell wrote:You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
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Re: Multiple Attack

Post by norvic »

I have also ticketted a false declaration in the past. Using a made up guild for false declarations is greifing in my book.

Diversionary declarations could be viewed as Tactic by a legit guild, but if no-one shows up hmmmm can also waste alot of peoples game time and could therefore also be viewed as Greifing.

Anni's real time idea has some merit and would get things moving, hehe instead of having a team and going hunting hmmm lets go take an outpost. Maybe adding a timer so it cant change hands for 48hrs or so. Sure Big guilds could maybe take multiple OPs but they wouldnt hold them forever, even a small guild could take one from them and have a crack at the benefits if they got the timing right. But this would only work if a mechanic was put in place to stop these false declarations or would be very abusable.
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