Aura line of skills
Re: Aura line of skills
Just wondering - if one person in a group uses an aura, and then another person in group uses same aura, are the effects combined, or is only 1 active?
Re: Aura line of skills
Hmmm... I could have sworn my sp cost for Life Aura 1 was only 10sp. As with the upgrade. Now the Life Gift is the same cost as a new spell at 50sp. I haven't bought the Sap aura or the Forcus aura and will check their prices and correct myself.lucasd wrote:Only the first upgrade is 50 points, the ones after are only 10 like every other spell/skill just about. Since they operate off a seperate timer than power stanzas, i think they can be worth it
But as far as testing stacking effects, if you're a Tryker, I wouldn't mind testing out if they stack or if you can run more than one aura at a time from two or more people.
Re: Aura line of skills
Actually it depends on what you already have. Since its made up of different components and counterparts if you already have those it would be cheaper for you. For me it was 50 sp cause I didn't have any pieces of it. War cry definately costs 50 sp alone though. The main problem here is war cry and stam aura on the same timer. I need to use both and can't.
Re: Aura line of skills
hehe ... 10 sp for auras. Helps to pick up some healing and gifts.
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