slashmus wrote:Hmmm...I don't generally like games where you're more or less forced down a path. In general if I want to play a melee character I do, if I want to play a magic character then I do that. And having to wait 125 levels to do it doesn't seem very appealing at all. It doesn't seem very balanced in terms of progression.
erm no-ones forcing u to do anything at high levels ele does loads more damage than melee but the tank can have armor that offers 60% protection from mobs and way more hp. it's not just about the numbers u know. any skill is useable, even dual daggers. do what u enjoy, dont worry about what seems to be the most effective.
You dont have to wait 125 levels for anything. when people post questions here the answer they get is taken out of context a lot it seems. in this case u asked if it was practicle to go all magic, the answer was yes but that melee was easier to level/more powerful at the start and u'd be a better mage for getting some melee levels. the point is there is no problem just levelling magic, those of us with experience are pointing out the optimal way to do things, it doesnt mean its the only way you should consider.
(I'm a very new player myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt, lol)
I actually started out planning to be primarily Melee. But then I discovered how much I *truely* enjoy using magic in this game. I've been extremely lucky in that I found a great guild (OmegaV) very early-on and they have been so very helpful.
Some things I've learned: Get a *good* set of light armor, get a good set of HP jewelry (I doubled my HP just by using the right jewelry), and get a good pair of Magic Amps (Amplifiers). If possible, see if you can get your hands on some Crystals (they double your xp when activated). Train up your Acid spell, but remember some things are gonna be immune to it, so don't forget to also train Cold and Rot. You will definitely need the Cold spell against things like Kipee's (they are immune to Acid), and Rot works the best on plants.
I went from level 10 Magic to level 40 in about 3 days - solo. I found the yubos around Yrkanis to be super-easy to level on very early on, and also a few other critters that are just outside Yrkanis in huge herds. After about level 20-25 or so, I found I did best (xp wise) fighting Cloppers near the Tryker capital of Fairhaven. I went from level 25-40 very quickly fighting Cloppers (just be careful and watch their spawn patterns, and they *will* group aggro you).
I can't say what will happen in the future, but I have found it quite easy to level *solo* on Magic up to my present level (40) - with the right gear. It took me awhile to figure out how to best edit my spells so that they were more effective, but play around with that a bit to learn what does what. I basically try to keep from using Range and Time credits and try to keep HP and Sap credits even with each other.
Coming from another Newblet, I hope this has at least helped a little bit - or maybe given you an idea or two. Good luck and don't give up - I *love* the magic in this game!