kashius wrote:I agree completely. While lag may have some impact on the numbers, maybe accounting for the 36 (actual) HPM on a 38 (weapon speed) HPM weapon. However I doubt such lag issues would account for a 25 HPM difference. Sounds like a bug to me.
The 36 instead of 38 and such could also be rounding errors. It matters whether I stop counting just after or just before an attack. And my minutes may sometimes be 59 or 61 seconds.
Though I do always find a lower speed than it says on the weapon, never a higher one, so there must indeed be some actual slowing down due to lag involved.
Anyways, it's not that a 60 speed dagger only does 35 hpm in reality that bugs me the most. All that means is the speed statistic shown on the weapon is wrong and daggers are even more underpowered than we thought. What bothers me is that a 46 speed and a 60 speed dagger
both do only 35 hpm! That means that the speed stat on daggers doesn't matter at all!
sehracii wrote:60hpm daggers only attacking at 35??? That's not just frame rate. A 1H sword went FASTER!
Has anyone reported it?
Yep, tested that particular one three times to be sure, because the difference is so small. But each time I counted 36 hits from the sword and only 35 from the dagger.
No, haven't reported it yet. I figured they'd notice this thread. And I was hoping to hear if I'm the only one having this problem first, to determine where exactly the problem lies.
So get testing, you