PvP is the meat of any MMO... RPG? role-playing game?!
'Cause, see, I would think that roleplaying was.
PvP - The Meat of any MMRPG
Re: PvP - The Meat of any MMRPG
Defenders of Zoran
Defenders of Zoran
Re: PvP - The Meat of any MMRPG
LOL - nice description!! hehe, when eq first started tho, there were more people in faydark, on one server than there was in most games at any one time. But yes, towards the end it was just chat and ebay toons screaming sales for items not worth 1% of the price asked. But all games go like that.Unregistered wrote:Everquest is not a game. Its IRC with gfx, nothing more.
As to my original question, i dont think any game has ever failed due to lack of pvp, if anything it failed because of poorly setup pvp, like uo, which had a truely massive player base, until the player killing, a kind of one sideed pvp got out of hand people started leaving, to everquest..and later Asherons call and dark age of camelot, the uo pvp was so bad they adapted the game into pvp only and none pvp, which goes to show that pvp was killing the game, the population on the none pvp aspect was triple that of the pvp side.
Games dont fail because of a lack of pvp, they fail because if anything the pvp just doesnt work the way they wanted it to. Devs expect players to be honourable. Not devious, not weak, not cowardly. This is why so many people are against pvp in game, because they have only ever experienced the worst aspect of pkers. And never enjoyed the serious fun of it.
It does strike me as funny tho, many crafters in games, a class as non combative as you can get, are more often more offensive and abusive of their postion in a game then any player stab your mate in the back killer ever was. Its as if being totally against pvp combat makes "some" people even worse in attitude then the worst pks.
I would love to see truely bound player combat in games, where backstabbers were dealt with harshly by the game system, ie murderers were hunted down and destroyed by npc police, and soldiers were able to fight in guild wars in relative peace. Take away the cowardlyness of pvp and leave only the most enjoyable aspects, and we wont see the kind of post this started as. PVP - The Meat of any MMRPG, started as an argument.
But i suspect, devs the world over dont have the ka'know'how to make such a game i dream of as perfect. I'd create a game....but thats another story. hehe
~ Martin
I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
Still not smoking!!
I will continue to be online, but not ingame. Until further notice. So i will still be mr troll to you.
Still not smoking!!

Re: PvP - The Meat of any MMRPG
Since all PvP is consensual, I'm afraid you'll end up sitting and watching. Have you considered Lineage 2? They have 100% open PvP, not to mention all of the worst problems mentioned above.Unregistered wrote:The only one sided pking i know of is Griefing (EX:Where a lvl 50 atatcks a lvl 1) PlayerKilling was anything from a death duel to yes greifing.
As a PKer myself (I killed theives, dupers, Those newbies in Uo that had 10k and a full set of plate within 1 min, and greifers) So I understand what Rugster here is saying But as a Anti-Greifer/thief I just want to know if I can keep doing this.
(Thieves that stole from people outside town ran from me and came back friendly (blue colored good-guy color) soon died from me I kept Lists)
So When I do buy this game (FF11 just ain't working for me..no true easy pvp) Could I still be able to kill these plauges of gaming or do I have to sit and watch?