RP for newcomers

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Re: RP for newcomers

Post by marct »

I think the m'lady is fine... I don't really use it, but it all goes to your character. I figure it just as RL happens. If you are from a different area of the ocountry or raised by different sort of people, you can speak very very differently.

In the US, I am in Pennsylvania, and in a response to a lady asking me a question I as a male will respond with a yup, yes, or sure kinda thing. If I drive 10-12 hours south, the primary(80%+) affirmative response to a female from a male is "Yes, maam"

This sounds alien, foreign, and just plain strange to me. I cannot often repeat it even though I do quickly adapt to accent/etc.

I find this quite acceptable (m'lady, etc.) as long as this is the character that is portrayed consistently. I would encourage you in RP to treat things like this as an opportunity to pick into the details, asking about their origin saying they do not appear to be from around here... and even pointing out their idiosincracy.

Just my opinion on odd things. Granted something could be way way off and that may not fit, but this seems close enough to me.

Noin is a little wacky, so exspect all over the place RP. I think my actions, how I run around, how I play in game fits me too. If you see me running in circles around folks, playing in circles or generally appearing as a homin with a solid case of attention deficit disorder you know you have found ME. I find these actions/etc as a good part of my RP and I have yet to find someone who doesn't understand it. From there you can intersperse things like "I can't wait to see Jena... that porcelain skin ummm hmmmm she gets my pick reved up... I would do anything to make her happy"

Using lore characters, and lore stories helps a lot. The local recent events can also be helpful. It is just like in real life. You are influenced greatly by "historic" things in the past that were memorable enough to be recorded. Beyond that recent events have the greatest effect on you. Meaning, a lot of the RP things that have happened at a low level don't even matter now. They mattered at that moment, but unless they were big enough to be recorded in lore or "history" your not knowing of them doesn't matter. In fact it is probably even better that you do not know of them as if it comes up in an RP converstaion, you can have a conversation about it thus passing on history.

Noin. ( I talked way too much. )
~ Noinossalg (Noin to most) ~ OmegaV ~ King Of Nexus ~
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Re: RP for newcomers

Post by mercury7 »

kostika wrote:If you're after a bit of gentle RP, I suggest giving our Pub Nights a go. Its mostly chatting IC and is very relaxed. Next one is Nov 29th at 8.30pm at the Thesos bar. (Its then every 2 weeks after that)
thanks kostika :) i'll do my best to get there an join in

thanks to all of you for replying, has cleared a few questions on RP for me :)

"and now, as the sun is starting to set upon the vast fyrosian horizon, i pick up my sword, heading for the Pyr gate and wondering as to what kitins i may encounter..."

mmm, its a start i guess :P
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