Now this is more interesting than the King of the Hill zone.
Not sure why I do this but I have this incurable urge to provide feedback and find bugs.
* Perhaps make the non-purple zones defended by less than level 250 NPCs, so lower levels have something to do other than grind. Rather than just awarding faction points for killing players remove faction points for killing players in zones more the 50 levels lower than you highest combat level in these zones.
* Enable foragers and/or crafters to help rebuild the spires by trading in mats and crafted items to gain faction points.
* Pull your finger out and get some non-PVP content working. Rites for example were just starting to look interesting before they evaporated. A decent set of kitin raids would also be popular.
* Allow the use of teleport tickets to enemy zones but only to functioning friendly teleporters and only while the zone's enemy spire is low level (say level 1 only or levels 1 and 2). E.g allow kami to teleport to the Grove of Confusion kami teleporter regardles of who owns the zone.
vguerin wrote:Why would the Karavan or Kami want to give access to those that do not follow their ways... it only makes sense. The "powers" care not about your RP stance, they care about those willing to serve their cause. I understand that "neutral" stance, but it should be the hardest because you get nothing you don't obtain yourself.
I have to agree with this. Why would Kami/Karavan's teleport around neutrals? I can't imagine they need the money!