Where did all this come from? I think this reaction might be a bit over the top, maybe indeed you are too tired from discussing this stuff over and overthebax wrote:In reply to drizzeth's post #374-
I wasn't talking about supreme, or even excellent mats. Never mentioned them. I only mentioned choice. Even with a full team guarding a digger, when the digger dies they lose all mats. One-shot kills the digger. A KP will often wipe out a full group of 250 folks all dressed for battle. LIKE I SAID: not difficult, impossible.
The fact is, Neverax's insistance (and short-sighted players support of same) on over-powered mobs has created the requirement for people who need to make things for others with PR mats to do their harvesting in PvP zones. This renders those zones non-consensual, and I am sick and tired of people making any claim to the contrary, as such is complete and total bull.
Start sociopathic behavior on an underlying chemical imbalnce, an unhappy love-life, a lack of years, or the fact that the moyle slipped, but such feeble excuses for murder are an insult to anyone with basic reasoning skills.

i was talking about choice aswell.On that subject, excellent is not comparable to surface when we talk about how large the chance is to relatively safe and very easily forage large amounts of excellent as compared to surface, Another balance mechanism.
And i think Anders was quite fond of KP hunting and there are a lot of PR diggers that learned to avoid the KP or take the mats and DP and be hapy about it

All in all i was just pointing out how Atys as i understood from beta till now was meant to be a harsh enviroment and that prime roots should be hard to balance the advantage of generic useable materials. And that everything strongly encourages you to do almost everything in team. Or other social skills lke buying materials fro a PR forager that isa PRO at evading the KP

Also i think that im not so much giving my view of Atys but how i understood they designed it.(the part about harsh and the need for grouping for everything and the overly powered mobs)
EDIT: neither am i saying Nevrax has the balance right for everything

EDIT2: Maybe, just maybe the point is even more to finetune the balance of mobs and KP in non-pvp areas instead of refusing the pvp areas? So to make the non-pvp prime roots a realistically viable option to people while not trying to imbalance by making supreme/Generic-usable too easy too obtain.