A suggestion from a newb
Re: A suggestion from a newb
I'm also a newb just got done playing WoW and EQ2. I got bored with WoW after getting a couple of my characters to level 60 and only could make it to level 30+ on a couple characters in EQ2. I did enjoy both games though but just got bored. I Just started playing Ryzom a few days ago. I almost quit after the first day but was reading it gets better once you get to the mainland. So, I have played a few more times on the starter island just to get use to the controls before going to the mainland. I always try and give new games a few weeks to make sure if I like it or not. I'm still hoping Ryzom is the game for me but so far It's not my type of game. One more thing EQ2 starter island is great IMO - maybe better then the rest of the game. I also really liked all the starter areas in WoW (tried most of them).
Re: A suggestion from a newb
meh, go to the mainland 
It's a n00b island.. for n00bs.. Why would people stay there for longer than they have to when theres a real world out there!

It's a n00b island.. for n00bs.. Why would people stay there for longer than they have to when theres a real world out there!

Jayce - Right-click is your friend in this world.
Master Forest Forager | Master Prime Roots Forager |Expert Lakeland Forager @ Q250
Master Jeweler|Master Heavy Range Weaponsmith
Master Jeweler|Master Heavy Range Weaponsmith
[ Leader | Reapers of the Dark ]
[ Matis Noble | Karavaneer | Wayfarer | Arispotle ]
[ Gear Requirements | Server Status | Acronyms | Atys Time | Fireworks ]
[ Matis Noble | Karavaneer | Wayfarer | Arispotle ]
[ Gear Requirements | Server Status | Acronyms | Atys Time | Fireworks ]
Re: A suggestion from a newb
I must agree.. I found the starter/welcomer quests a bit hard to follow... Once I figured out the Ryzom UI, I got the hang of it quickly...
I love the game and can't wait for it to come in the mail next week!! WOOT!
I love the game and can't wait for it to come in the mail next week!! WOOT!
Taujin - Duel-weilding Tryker Male
Taurolyon - Mantis Male
Taurolyon - Mantis Male
Re: A suggestion from a newb
All depends on what you want out of a game. If all your interested in is levelling your character and being the best then maybe this isn't the sort of game you can stick with. In my opinion I'm sick of games where the extent of the game is levelling, sitting round and camping with no storyline or good RP. This sounds like the sort of game I'd been hoping the Likes of EQ2, Horizons etc might be. I did enjoy playing EQ for a long time but in those days there were very few other games of that type out. These days there are loads and all the same with just a different package!
If this game isn't the sort of game a powergamer would love then thats all the better let them go somewhere else and let the more refined, thought provoking, imaginative player enjoy this experience. If this game offered little more than the likes of EQ2 then I doubt I'd be here beyond the trial!
If this game isn't the sort of game a powergamer would love then thats all the better let them go somewhere else and let the more refined, thought provoking, imaginative player enjoy this experience. If this game offered little more than the likes of EQ2 then I doubt I'd be here beyond the trial!
Re: A suggestion from a newb
Some tips for new players from me. I am around for 7 month and had one moth trial earlier. Due to accounting problems i did starter island twice. First time it was very crowded, second time not.
1) Dont make alts on every race at the beginning !! Read the lore, read this froum, ask others on the forum about races. Then select a race and play it. No race has advantages in skills, so this is just a question which race you like most. Knowing every landscape is a spoiler.
2) If you are a mage/fighter type, then leave starter island early. If you are in harvesting and crafting, then come as soon as you have your first selfmade set of ligth armour. At least shirt, pants and boots
3) If you want to explore soon try lakelands as Tryker
or the Zorai forest. If you need more challange in fighting at the beginning then go to Matis
. A good mixture of exploring and fighting is Fyros. Anyways, this are just my hints about the race, of course there is more to it. You need to like the toons for example.
1) Dont make alts on every race at the beginning !! Read the lore, read this froum, ask others on the forum about races. Then select a race and play it. No race has advantages in skills, so this is just a question which race you like most. Knowing every landscape is a spoiler.
2) If you are a mage/fighter type, then leave starter island early. If you are in harvesting and crafting, then come as soon as you have your first selfmade set of ligth armour. At least shirt, pants and boots

3) If you want to explore soon try lakelands as Tryker

Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
Re: A suggestion from a newb
Is there any lack of races in particular or do people tend to mix it a lot? Also I noticed that a lot of races dislike each other is there any PvP in the game like in Lineage II where you can step foot outside your first city and be dead seconds later? lol.
Re: A suggestion from a newb
Well, Fyros and Matis are probably the most populated races, but I' ve seen the Tryker and Zorai numbers grow steadily over the past few days. Maybe it just shows more because they' ve always been fewer.
And no, no Lineage2 ganking, heavens forbid. There' s only some areas in the Prime Roots where you have GuildvsGuild areas and some FactionvsFaction zones on the surface. For all your duelling needs there' s the Matis Arena, or just tick 'engage duel' on the person that looks to be a poor unfortunate victim but is actually an Avatar of Destuction dressed in refugee clothes.
And no, no Lineage2 ganking, heavens forbid. There' s only some areas in the Prime Roots where you have GuildvsGuild areas and some FactionvsFaction zones on the surface. For all your duelling needs there' s the Matis Arena, or just tick 'engage duel' on the person that looks to be a poor unfortunate victim but is actually an Avatar of Destuction dressed in refugee clothes.

Kyerna - "Miss World 2525"
Hawker of odds and ends, crafter of bonafide armours.
Leader of the Red Ribbon Army.
"Blood for the blade, dappers for the tribe!"
Hawker of odds and ends, crafter of bonafide armours.
Leader of the Red Ribbon Army.
"Blood for the blade, dappers for the tribe!"
Re: A suggestion from a newb
The game is impossible to learn without outside help and thats never good. Im impatiant and would have quit SoR after the first 30 minutes if it wasn't for a friend talking over VOIP helping me learn stuff. The newbie area needs to be MADE, not fixed, they teach you nothing about your skills about the UI or anything. Go play EQ2 and look at the starting island and you will quickly see what Ryzom needs.
Good game once you figure things out though. Thank you
Good game once you figure things out though. Thank you
Re: A suggestion from a newb
I agree that more basic game mechanism training is needed in starter island.bradarth wrote:The game is impossible to learn without outside help and thats never good. Im impatiant and would have quit SoR after the first 30 minutes if it wasn't for a friend talking over VOIP helping me learn stuff. The newbie area needs to be MADE, not fixed, they teach you nothing about your skills about the UI or anything. Go play EQ2 and look at the starting island and you will quickly see what Ryzom needs.
Good game once you figure things out though. Thank you
But i think ye can't teach there too much anyway. Game experience, help from older players and patience (witch lot of ppl today lacks) are more important to make whole picture of game. As i've played now 10 months or so, i still learn things. Theres wide wariety of styles and efficiency honing in game and what was best in lvl 50 or 150 is not true in lvl 200 or 250 in some cases.
Improve starting island to guide bit trought forage/fight/... stanzas, fighting mechanics and all "tools" that game have. Do this basic training, head to main island and socialize with others.... theres my recipe.
If ye dun have patience, grab some PS2/NN game and spend fun 30min+ with sum other game.
Re: A suggestion from a newb
I disagree with you.bradarth wrote:The game is impossible to learn without outside help and thats never good. Im impatiant and would have quit SoR after the first 30 minutes if it wasn't for a friend talking over VOIP helping me learn stuff. The newbie area needs to be MADE, not fixed, they teach you nothing about your skills about the UI or anything. Go play EQ2 and look at the starting island and you will quickly see what Ryzom needs.
Good game once you figure things out though. Thank you
I tried EQ2 trial island, and I got bored after a few hours of "being lead by my nose" game.
There are many sources for getting to know how to play the game.... if you care to look for them, instead of being told everything.
There is the Game Basics page where all you need to know , in how to play the game is located.
Then there is also the ingame help function, wich I think many players "ignore".. if there is a subject (read, window) that there are ingame help to, then there is a questionmark in the opper right corner of that particular window.. its very easy, and free of charge to press it

Also contacting the ingame customer service isnt disallowed either.. You can get hold of them by making a Private Chat to them.
Razz - Harvester - Phaedrea's Tears The Tears Forum
"Phaedrea arrived to look upon her young friends, noticed them leaving,
and although joyful, wept, for such was the warmth of her heart for all Matis kind"
and although joyful, wept, for such was the warmth of her heart for all Matis kind"