Change your community - Edit your Account

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Change your community - Edit your Account

Post by grusper »

You may change your community value during the first 7 days of your account's activity. After this period, your choice will be final and not subject to change

Whether my sign \ character which I will be transferred on other server has developed for these 7 days or he will be destroyed. And I should make all anew
???????? destroyed. or NO ?
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Re: Change your community - Edit your Account

Post by lawrence »

If I got your question right, you are asking if your characters will be transferred when switching communities. That is not the case, they will not be transferred. You will have to create new characters if you decide to switch to a different community.

But just in case that's not what you meant and you are having difficulties explaining your problem in english...

Je parle un petit peu francais..

Ich spreche auch deutsch.

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