hmm, ok. Lets try the easiest first. Cd key, when you type it in type it exactly as it appears on the back of the manual. double check it to make sure you typed it exactly, i have mistyped codes so many times it isnt funny. Getting frustrated because i thought i had.Omen wrote:ok, i just got the game, and started regestrating, i got to the part where it says, "MAKE SURE YOU HV BILLING INFO RDY" i clicked it and on the payment chooser, my comp, i cant log into my account (that i know my info for) and it says my CD keys invalid, PLEASE HELP ME!
Also can you answer some questions.
What operating system are you using, and which explorer type, ie Internet Explorer version, is it fully upto date? reason i ask, is you said the comp crashed when you selected payment option. There are patches for security issues at win update that might help here. The SSL system was recently updated and it might be this which crashed you, if you arent uptodate.
Reply here with as much info as you can on the problem, remember do not post anything that is personal, ie do not post your login, cd key or password, but info like what happens when you try to make an account, what error if any it gives, what you did immediately before you got a problem etc. also reply if you've managed to fix this problem. If the cd key is invalid, you should be able to take the game back to the store you got it from and get another copy, if you bought the game via online shipping similar you should be able to contact them and send the game back and get a replacement. Simply tell them that the cd key is being shown as invalid and they should replace it.
Of course, the cd key might be invalid because you have been successful or partially successful in registration. Check your email for information. You should be sent an affirmation email when the account is created. do you have this email?