Diggin' you're cool dude, but I can't agree with ya.
I like the inequality...it's just more realistic. Look at our world...we all don't have frickin' ungodly amount of oil or gold.
As a Fyrosian, I admit I've been pretty spoiled with desert forage. lol So what if I can't dig sup? I can dig in Flaming Forest and bring my packers in there quite safely. There's Dyron where I would put my packers in the lake and get just about any mat I wanted. Oh I'm full and so are my packers? There are merchants within 250m! What Oasis? 2 frickin' lakes and I found excellent nodes just north of Kami TP with no aggro. Can't dig high level Q, but it's still a damn good place to forage if you're still low. And there are hawkers close by. If not, put the packers in the lake! Once packers are full, it's a VERY short run to Pyr and storing stuff in your apt. Or head to Dyron, another quick run to craft and train. ^_^
Hell, in FF, there are hunting teams and other foragers more than willing to rez if I do acidently get munched on by some cuttler or zerx. Oh, and I can speed out and into a frickin' lake in oasis. lol Sure, it SOMETIMES gets a tad lonely, so when that happens, I'll try to forage in a the safer places (like by the Watchers.
) And, if I'm in FF, it's STILL a short run with my packers to empty myself out. Much more shorter than from Nexus to Yrk or GoC to Yrk. ALOT more safer once you know the route (which only applies if you're on the east part of FF and have to run out...once out of FF, going into Dyron from Oasis is easy and pretty safe...unless you're really dumb and can't dodge aggro...though, if you're packers have excellent condition, no regular mob can kill it...so just keep running if ya get aggroed.)
To be honest, Fyros probably has to be one of the easiest places to level in. Sure, travel is a tad hard between cities, but with a team, it's mighty easy. Though, with the aggro range now, it's frickin' easy. Just keep running and dodging...oh got aggroed? Keep running and have self heal ready. But as far as hunting goes, we got quick and easy access to all different level zones (such as Thesos -has a lake-, Dyron -has a lake-, Oasis -has 2 lakes-, and FF -doesn't have a lake, but you can speed out into one. lol-...all of these have guards close by to run to.) Oh, and all the regions have workable TPs. xD Except Scorched Corridor, but who the hell levels there now? The only leveling I've done there is close by the entrance from Pyr region.
If I was Matis, it'd be hell to go into GoC with Zatchel and Vispa, both who are taking out foragers now. lol No lakes to store my packers in...and I'd have to run all the way into Yrk to put into GH or Apt. I could always TP, but ya know what...that's alot of teleporting and I don't have THAT much space because of the bulk (which isn't a prob for me anymore..but still). Yeah, you can use hawkers, but you'd have to find them. So much more convenient to have your packers with ya which is bad with the 2 bosses running loose. If I had been Matis, I would have NOT leveled my forage. I leveled my forage as a Fyros because I was taken to Dyron and saw how damn easy it was. Hell, Matis don't even have workable TPs in KoD! x.X; It'd be annoying to run there to level past 100.
To be honest, I wouldn't want Nexus if it was given to me. I've been in there...horrible place to level forage. (Personally, Noin, you're crazy for digging there.
) Sure you can hit melee protect and make a run for it if ya get aggroed, but that's frickin' annoying. And, you'd have to wait for auras to regen, heals to come back, aggro to move away, and possible focus to regen. Hell, Umbra is easier to level in. I rarely get aggroed.
And as said before, one can level forage if they want those sups so badly (which would only serve for matis craft, might as well as hit PR), level forest. It's not THAT hard. Become someone's CPer for easy levels.
In short, let the Matis have their Sup land that only a few actually go in there. Don't change Fyros and make a region sup...we got it frickin' awesome already.
If they did, Fyros would probably own the crap out of every other region. It's just unfair! >.>
Hell, if ya REALLY want equality, let all the lands have cities in each region close to mats, all must have workable tps (or most), and they ALL must have at least 1 nice big lake (except Tryker...they got ENOUGH water.xD) that's surrounded by mats.
EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to add. GoC has Ancient Dryads which are KoS with about everyone (-66 fame with all civilizations. lol). As for Flaming Forest, Matis have to actually be careful if they want to run to them. Most likely, the Watchers would kill them if they grab fame with them. In Nexus, Fyros wouldn't have to worry about tribes killing them (just the aggro). If a Matis wants to level in FF, they'd have to watch out for Watchers and aggro which sucks because there are about 4 different mats right where they are....tsk tsk tsk.
EDIT2: Typos suck!