I'd like to thank alot of people but... it would take way to long to name them all. Not only that but my short term memory sucks so I'll most likely leave out alot of people. So I'll just thank the guilds I've had the chance to be in thus far...
Comitatus Praetorian, you guys are all great! you helped me get on my feet in my noob days and I had tons of fun with you all, CP will always be my home at heart. Hopefully one day CP shall rise again from the ashes and return to its formor glory and might. For CP was mighty indeed!
OmegaV, again you guys are all great. It was an honor to be invited into the guild and I had alot of fun with you guys as well. I was glad to of been able to meet all of you (Basic especially for always putting up with my out of the blue noob questions and requests

To everyone else, thank you all m(_ _)m I couldn't of gotten to where I was without the help of you guys, you have my deepest thanks.