Hello folks. As I mentioned once, we are currently in the planning stages of the next big round of events. I do apologize for the lapse, but unfortunately, these are taking much longer to plan than we had anticipated. We are making steady progress though, and I am very excited to present them to you when they are ready. But I've learned from our prior under-estimations and I don't expect them to be ready for at least a couple more weeks. So, this being said, I would like to solicit feedback from you, the victi... er the beneficiaries of the events process. I know you all have some great ideas, I've heard them. So I'd like to hear them again, but I've got to put some restrictions on it so here goes.
...Relatively easy to plan and execute. I'm looking for smaller events that will entertain and involve people when there are lapses between the larger scale events, ie. now
...Easy on the resources, specifically human resources. I am only one homin, I can't do everything all at once. This sort of ties in to the first point, but i thought it deserved it's own. I've still got lots of work to do on the coming events so if these take up all of my time, I won't have much of a chance to finish those.
...Widespread involvement. I don't mean that it has to cater to everyone, this is impossible, and we all know it. I just mean that it can't be a private party. Everyone should be welcome.
...Creative. Although I certainly won't discount cliche event ideas(we all know that I'm guilty of this myself on occasion), I think the more creative an idea, the more fun the event will invariably be. Something of a plot twist that nobody sees coming is always more fun.
...Stories, backgrounds, histories. Don't be afraid to create your own stories. The history of Atys as we know it is only a small portion of what has gone on. Look up..."creative" doesn't just apply to the event ideas, but the background that makes them tick.
Disclaimer: I can not guarantee that any ideas presented will ever come to pass as GM sanctioned events. Nor can I guarantee that the presenter will be given satisfactory credit for their ideas. I can try, but in fact, I can not guarantee anything except that I'll read what you have to say. So take that as you might, I look forward to hearing what you've got.
Just post them here
Ryzom GM
Windermeer Events Team
Event Feedback Thread
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