genzod23 wrote:Freaking code in a time out function , it's not that hard, when the server goes down, i should be kicked off..... not constantly pinging trying to get back on for 3 hours, time me out on the local client and close the program, instead i look at "please wait" for ever always hoping maybe if i give it 2 more mins it will come back, it's the watched pot that never boils, good lord, don't string me along just end it already..........
Firstly, you aren't a programmer. This I know, because if you were a programmer, you would never have typed half of that paragraph. Secondly, you don't know about routers, and the actual make-up of the internet in technical detail. With that, I'm talking ISP networks, country-wide backbones, stateful packet inspection, and many other factors I don't know about myself.
It boils down to this - there are so many factors involved with running large MMO servers, that none of us (even the most knowledgeable) can correctly assume what is happening. We don't have access to the server, we don't have access to the hardware, and we don't have access to the ISP's networks.
As Zum stated, this could well be a router issue - and as Cerest stated, the server
wasn't even down.
Ever written a network timeout routine? Did it work every time, and work quickly? And then if you place a brand new, previously unused router in the mix, would the routine then work flawlessly? Or is there a chance the router could break the packet flow, leaving the code thinking 'well, the server is still there, so I'll keep testing for a response'?
Please don't claim to know what's happening or 'how freaking easy' it is to fix, because the only kind of reply you'll get is this kind. Oh, and one thing I really can't stand, is when people reply to posts, generally talking rubbish, and do it in capitals...