Homins, word reaches me concerning matters of love on Atys.
In the week leading up to the day most sacred to lovers everywhere, Valentines Day, there will be guided walks throughout all four lands taking in some of the most romantic and scenic locations Atys has to offer, when tales of courting, heroism and loves lost will be related for your enjoyment. Your presence will be most welcome so bring the One who is dearest to your heart. If you are not yet lucky in love, perhaps this will be your time; who knows who might catch your eye on our adventures?
If you would like to join us on our guided walks these are the times and days:
Wednesday 9th Feb 8pm GMT - walk in Zorai (meet in Min-Cho)
Thursday 10th Feb 8pm GMT - walk in Fyros (meet in Pyr at the south gate)
Friday 11th Feb 7.30pm GMT - 1st walk in Tryker (meet in Windermeer) - followed immediately afterwards by:
Friday 11th Feb 9pm GMT (approximately) - 2nd walk in Matis (meet in Davae) 9pm GMT
Following the PvP event between Triangle of Truth and the Grand Alliance on Saturday evening it is our delight and pleasure to invite you, on behalf of the bride and groom, to attend the wedding of Dam and Axi of Matis! The happy couple have expressed their wish to share this wonderful occasion with as many of their friends and fellow Homins as possible. Phaedrea will be conducting the ceremony, and you are invited to join us all in Yrkanis at 9.15pm GMT. Of course, all those who have taken part in the Alliance PvP event earlier will be welcome to join the celebrations.
Saturday 12th 7pm GMT - PvP between ToT and Grand Alliance at the Matis Arena - although only Alliance members may take part all are welcome to watch and cheer on the combatants!
Saturday 12th 9.30pm GMT - Dam and Axi's wedding (meet at Yrkanis stables)
Then at 6pm GMT on Sunday 13th February you will be set a challenge to find all the ingredients for a love potion. The winner will be awarded the opportunity to tell the world of their love with a message that will be broadcast across all the lands; a Valentines card for their sweetheart.
Immediately following this challenge you will be invited to enjoy a play which tells one of the most enduring love stories in the history of Atys. The winner of the Love poetry, story, screenshot competition http://ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10823 will win the right to a specially written role in this play!
The locations for these special events will be published here nearer the time.
What is love, but an emotion,
So strong and so pure,
That nurtured and shared with another
All tests it will endure?
What is love, but a force
To bring the mighty low,
With the strength to shame the mountains
And halt times ceaseless flow?
What is love, but a triumph,
A glorious goal attained,
The union of two souls, two hearts
A bond that Jena has ordained?
What is love, but a champion,
To cast the tyrant from his throne,
And raise the flag of truth and peace,
And fear of death oerthrow?
What Would You Do For Love? Valentines Events and a Wedding!
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
What Would You Do For Love? Valentines Events and a Wedding!
Last edited by Tidings on Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Updated schedule of events
Reason: Updated schedule of events
Re: What Would You Do For Love? Valentines Day Events!
cool, sounds like great fun 

Kibs - High Officer of The New Empire (Arispotle server)
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Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
Avatar by Ema
Master of two, huggler of all!
Kibs' Autolauncher and Ammo shop
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Re: What Would You Do For Love? Valentines Day Events!
I allready feel the love in the air 

Guildleader of Fluffy Bunnies
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Guildleader of Fluffy Bunnies
Guild: Fluffy Bunnies
Server: New Arispotle
Re: What Would You Do For Love? Valentines Day Events!
A very Romatic event if I might add. 

Ajax - Leader
The Watchers of Atys
Arispotle Server
The Watchers of Atys
Arispotle Server
Re: What Would You Do For Love? Valentines Events and a Wedding!
And for all those who aren't into all the mushy stuff: some bloodsport to watch