Fame/guild Fame questions

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Fame/guild Fame questions

Post by Nirvy »

1. What exactly do all the column on the fame thing mean. I can understand that personal fame is you relation to them, and guild fame is your guild relationship to them, what do the global and civilasation ones mean?

2. What is that Guild Fame progress % for? Mine is at 95%
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Re: Fame/guild Fame questions

Post by kaetemi »

Guild Fame is some kind of average fame the guild has towards civilizations/tribes/... .
Civilisation Fame is the standard fame that never changes. It is the fame that your civilisation in general has. (it can be changed trough patches and stuff)
Guild Fame Progress is, i think, the amount of influence you have on the average guild fame. If it's higher, your fame will become more important.
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Re: Fame/guild Fame questions

Post by goshawk »

The global fame column is the sum of the other three.

Personal fame you earn , for each row , yourself . by doing missions.
Civilization fame is the reputation of your whole race ie Matis.
Guild fame is gained from your guilds reputation.

The % guild fame goes up with time , it just stops you gaining the whole of your guild fame bonus immediatly. It is the % of your guilds fame that applies to you.

So the Global fame coloum is the one that effects prices in the game , the other 3 just show how you got that fame.

NB: Guild fame is earned when guild members do missions. A portion of the earned fame goes to guild. And a very small portion goes to the Civilization.
[at least in theory, I have no actual data on Civ fame changing]

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Re: Fame/guild Fame questions

Post by Nirvy »

Ahh ok that makes sense, the global one was the one confusing me most.


Nirvy | Allegiance of Power
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