Lucky i saw this before i hit the sackUnregistered wrote:your specs from your sig:
"AMD Athlon™ 64 3400+ Processor |1GB Corsair XMS Extreme 400mhz
74GB WD Raptor SATA 10,000 RPM | NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX 5900 XT 128MB
Sound Blaster® Audigy 2 ZS 7.1 "
I'm trying to upgrade my computer so that I can get good fps with everything turned up to max on Ryzom.
Wondering if your system with only a geforce 5900 can do that or would I need a geforce 6800?

I run everything at max with zero lag, even with 50 odd NP's clansmen running around, 5 friends and 4 or 5 mobs. It hasnt even slowed down once. According to Fraps i dont get lower than 35 FPS, and it hovers about 60 usually.
I'll prolly upgrade to a 6800 nearer Xmas when their price should drop a lot, but the 5900 handles it without breaking a sweat